Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

Hey again. This is my attempt at being better at blogging.

Today I went to Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral. They didn't really give out palms but rather branches from some tree. Slightly random. I'm sure there's meaning behind it, but this time i really don't know. The church was pretty- there were big ferns in the front and on the sides on the balconies where the musicians play.

In other news, the evil cat strikes again. Max has a bandaid right below his eye where Liza punctured the skin. Story has it, he scared her and she attacked. I voted for sending Liza into the streets indefinitely to think about what she's done, but ultimately she stays.

Last night Isabelle had some friends over. Max and I ate dinner with them. I kept purposely zoning in and out of their conversation. Bad thing was, one of her friends kept asking me if I understood. lol I'd just make a confused face and say that I understood some of it but not all of it. They would then recap and then I would try to pay more attention. They were all so cute and stylish. It did motivate me to try to put more effort in forming my outfits. I am a college kid though, so sweats will still trump all chic looks for me.

Well, today was relatively uneventful. In order to rest up for Paris and Rome, we chose to stay here this weekend. Good idea. I caught up on sleep and (obviously) blogging.

That's all for now! A bientot

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